Exercise Physiology

Phyzwell aims to provide Exercise Physiology services that are client centred, collaborative and focus on supporting physical activity participation. Our aim is to create opportunities to support clients to experience the benefits of physical activity.

Exercise Physiologists have a skill set that allows us to understand and assist with the challenges that are involved with engaging in physical activity, whether that be physical or mental limitations.

If you would like more information about what Exercise Physiologists can offer you can click here, or here, or contact us to ask.

Services we deliver

All clients will be taken through an initial meet and greet with an Exercise Physiologist to help us get to know you and understand what you are wanting help with. This might be clear to you already, or you might just know that you want things to be different to how they are.

At the end of the meet and greet, an intervention plan may be suggested to make sure we have understood what we are working on together. Ongoing sessions can be tailored to your individual requirements and delivered in a way that supports you engaging at the level that suits you.

Sessions can be conducted at a location that helps you feel most comfortable like your home or a local park. Let us know what suits you best.